Tekst piosenki: Loyalty Bensh

Tekst piosenki Loyalty

Who ya texting
What they saying
Leave a message, cuz it's day in and day out at this point
Must admit I'm getting so damn sick of this boy
And I don't even know him
I've got questions, you avoid them
My heart is not one that you wanna toy with
It's like you employed him so you can ignore our discourse
And I don't even know him

Yeah, you've been acting real suspicious
I don't mean to sound malicious
But I know the difference between your work hours and when the bar closes
Do you mean to keep me guessing
Are you waiting for a blessing
Cuz if you wanna drive me mad, this is as close as I'll let ya get

What happened to loyalty between the two of us
It seems we've hit a drift
But you could always voice your feelings
Instead of resorting to this
If you want somebody else, just say it
It only hurts me more the more you delay it
Why you gotta toy with me
What happened to loyalty, loyalty, loyalty

Who's that number that keeps calling
Important enough to stop you going all in
Now it's tap tap tap
Send a snap, snap, snap
I hate that that that
And I don't even know him
Are you aware of what you're doing
Am I battling him and don't know that I'm losing
I'm not afraid to get ruthless
And I don't even know him

Yeah, you've been acting real suspicious
I don't mean to sound malicious
But I know the difference between your work hours and when the bar closes
Do you mean to keep me guessing
Are you waiting for a blessing
Cuz if you wanna drive me mad, this is as close as I'll let ya get

What happened to loyalty between the two of us
It seems we've hit a drift
But you could always voice your feelings
Instead of resorting to this
If you want somebody else, just say it
It only hurts me more the more you delay it
Why you gotta toy with me
What happened to loyalty, loyalty, loyalty

If you wanna end it, then end it
If we can amend it, let's amend it
Can we try
If you wanna go to him, then leave
You know where the hell to leave your keys
I'm sick of feeling like I'm begging you to love me

What happened to loyalty between the two of us
It seems we've hit a drift
But you could always voice your feelings
Instead of resorting to this
If you want somebody else, just say it
It only hurts me more the more you delay it
Why you gotta toy with me
What happened to loyalty, loyalty, loyalty

Bensh - Loyalty Tekst piosenki

Loyalty w wykonaniu Bensh - Loyalty tekstowo Bensh - Loyalty o czym jest piosenka Loyalty Bensh Loyalty słowa Bensh - Loyalty Text
Bensh Loyalty Letra de Loyalty com Bensh Bensh - Loyalty lyrics Bensh - Loyalty Tekst
Album: Break Up Songs (2023)

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