Tekst piosenki: Sad Boiii BENEE

Tekst piosenki Sad Boiii

Songtext von Snippet 1, Snippet 2 & Snippet 3

[Verse 1]
Yeah, I met this new boy
All my friends think he's great
And he's perfect for most of the time but it turns out [?]
Now he's off with his mates
He can be such a pain

Sorry, what's this all for?
Don't make me feel good no more
No, wait, now it's too late
I can't get the ick away
Wake up, no, not again

I'm so sick of everything
So, what, what's this all for?
God, it's a bore

Sad boy
I was mistaken, you're no bad boy
And I'll admit that that's my bad boy
Now I don't want another sad boy, sad boy
And you get mad, boy
You raise your voice just like your dad, boy
And there's really no need for bad boy
No, I don't want another sad boy, sad boy

[Verse 2]
Everyday, it's the same
Wе get up and argue about the samе things
I can feel myself falling in different ways
Need to get up, I need to get away

Sorry, what's this all for?
Don't make me feel good no more
No, wait, now it's too late
I can't get the ick away
Wake up, no, not again
I'm so sick of everything
So, what, what's this all for?
God, it's a bore

Sad boy
I was mistaken, you're no bad boy
And I'll admit that that's my bad boy
Now I don't want another sad boy, sad boy
And you get mad, boy
You raise your voice just like your dad, boy
And there's really no need for bad boy
No, I don't want another sad boy, sad boy
Sad boy
I was mistaken, you're no bad boy
And I'll admit that that's my bad boy
Now I don't want another sad boy, sad boy
And you get mad, boy
You raise your voice just like your dad, boy
And there's really no need for bad boy
No, I don't want another sad boy, sad boy

BENEE - Sad Boiii Tekst piosenki

Sad Boiii w wykonaniu BENEE - Sad Boiii tekstowo BENEE - Sad Boiii o czym jest piosenka Sad Boiii BENEE Sad Boiii słowa BENEE - Sad Boiii Text
BENEE Sad Boiii Letra de Sad Boiii com BENEE BENEE - Sad Boiii Tekst

Teledysk do piosenki
Sad Boiii

Kadr z teledysku Sad Boiii tekst piosenki BENEE




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