Beach Vacation - Our Night is Falling
Tekst piosenki Our Night is Falling
Swimming in the sound
Sinking underground
I can't shake this feeling
Oh, it feels so trivial
Oh, lost in a daydream
Pick up the pieces
If I can reuse them
When I was falling
Oh would you see him
Downtown L.A
It's something you can't see
And he comes rushing back
Oh, it feels so trivial
Oh, lost in a daydream
Pick up the pieces
If I can reuse them
When I was falling
Oh would you see him
Pick up the pieces
If I can reuse them
When I was falling
Oh would you see him
Pick up the pieces
If I can reuse them
When I was falling
Oh would you see him
Beach Vacation - Our Night is Falling tekst piosenki
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