Beach Vacation - Mustang
Tekst piosenki Mustang
I felt alone today
Until i saw your face
You kept me close
And said everything was okay
When those stars come out
And the mood is right
We can get around in my mustang
We could disappear
In my mustang
Saw sparkles in your eyes
When i was by your side
You kept me close
And said everything was okay
When those stars come out
And the mood is right
We can get around in my mustang
When those stars come out
And the mood is right
We can get around in my mustang
We could disappear
In my mustang
Beach Vacation - Mustang tekst piosenki
Mustang Beach Vacation - Mustang tekstowo Mustang o czym jest piosenka Mustang Beach Vacation - Mustang Tekst Mustang Beach Vacation Mustang słowaTeledysk do piosenki
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