Bass Astral x Igo - Would?
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Tekst piosenki Would?
Know me broken by my master,Teach thee on child of love hereafter,
Into the flood again,
Same old trip it was back then,
So I made a big mistake,
Try to see it once my way
Into the flood again,
Same old trip it was back then,
So I made a big mistake,
Try to see it once my way
Start twerkin' like Miley
Start twerkin' like Miley
Start twerkin' like Miley
Start twerkin' like Miley
Twerkin' like Miley
Twerkin' like Miley
Twerkin' like Miley
Twerkin' like
Know me broken by my master,
Teach thee on child of love hereafter,
Into the flood again,
Same old trip it was back then,
So I made a big mistake,
Try to see it once my way
Into the flood again,
Same old trip it was back then,
So I made a big mistake,
Try to see it once my way
Into the flood again,
Same old trip it was back then,
So I made a big mistake,
Try to see it once my way
Into the flood again,
Same old trip it was back then,
So I made a big mistake,
Try to see it once my way
Into the flood again,
Into the flood again,
Into the flood again,
Same old trip it was back then
Start twerkin' like Miley
Start twerkin' like Miley
Start twerkin' like Miley
Start twerkin' like Miley
Twerkin' like Miley
Twerkin' like Miley
Twerkin' like Miley
Twerkin' like
Start twerkin' like Miley
Start twerkin' like Miley
Start twerkin' like Miley
Start twerkin' like
Into the flood again,
Same old trip it was back then,
And I made, And I made, And I made a big mistake,
Try to see it once my way, but it hurts really bad
Into the flood again,
Into the flood again,
Into the flood again,
Same old trip it was back then,
Give it to me baby, i feel the same
Tell me it's all right, feel the same
Bass Astral x Igo - Would? tekst piosenki
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Would? na polski 🇵🇱 »
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