Tekst piosenki: Bikini Bass Astral x Igo

Bass Astral x Igo - Bikini

Tekst piosenki Bikini

I know what you want
You're free, you can go
Just take [...] kindness
And lick it like a lollipop

I know where you will go
You are free, you can go home
Just [...]
And lick it like a lollipop

Oh I know, I know and I would like to hear
About, about, about your deepest fears
Describe them, describe them, describe your thoughts
Describe your thoughts and show cold blood

And I know, I know and I would like to hear
About, about, about your deepest fears
Describe it, 'cripe it, 'cripe it, describe your thoughts
'cribe your thoughts and show cold blood

You say you lie to the others
Nobody wants to hear about our problems
I think I could defeat my own past nightmares
So you would never hear nothin' about them

Just tell me more, do we stand a chance
I think that you can try me now
[...] the rest of [...]
And don't turn around all the time

So don't you wanna say, I think that you can stay
But if you really need it, we'll leave it to the wicked
So what you wanna say, no need to complain
So come on try, baby I know what you're proceeded

I know, I know what you think of me
I know, I know what you think of me
I know, I know what you think of me
I know, I know what you think, just what you think of me

Hey, I know you are strong
And the night is still young
So quiet and cold
So why can't you see, there's nothing to fear now

The fire is strong
And you are so young
So quiet and cold
So why can't you see, there's nothing to fear now

I know what you want
You're free, you can go
Just take [...] kindness
And lick it like a lollipop

[tekst na podstawie koncertu 5.04.2020]

Bass Astral x Igo - Bikini tekst piosenki

Bass Astral x Igo - Bikini tekstowo Igo & Bass Astral - Bikini słowa

Teledysk do piosenki

Kadr z teledysku Bikini tekst piosenki Bass Astral x Igo
Źródło: tekstowo.pl




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