Tekst piosenki: Fragile Bama Boy Menace

Tekst piosenki Fragile

I pray that i dont do no dumb shit
And make you turn the other way
I say that im giving you my word
I won't shit where i lay cuz we fragile
She told me please watch how you handle
Me cuz we cuz we fragile

[Bama Boy Menace]
You love me with my flaws so we going to ball
When i blow up
Got them haters sick to they stomach
Til they throw up
Lookin at your face and im amazed
With your beauty marks

God sent me a angel you been solid
Since the very start
I support your dreams and give you wings
Til you take off
Gls600 push start with the big motor
You know im a star baby
You dont need the rolls royce
I bet when i get this shit
Popping they going to know its us
Shopping at channel
Riding down rodeo
Rollie out that window
Smokin on that good dope
I done came too far to let these niggas
Try to take me it gets busy and
I put that on my baby’s menace

I pray that i dont do no dumb shit
And make you turn the other way
I say that im giving you my word
I won't shit where i lay cuz we fragile
She told me please watch how you handle
Me cuz we cuz we fragile

Fragile is the word that we going through
I bubble wrap my heart when im next to you
And i thought i had the answer i ain't have a clue
We was so far from the real truth
I pray i pray we going to get it right someday
And i been the same nigga since day 1
I got so much love you can take some
When them lies build up it ain't no fun
When them walls closing in you wanna run
Im not playing bout this shit no way
Only time im on my knees is when i pray

I pray that i dont do no dumb shit
And make you turn the other way
I say that im giving you my word
I won't shit where i lay cuz we fragile
She told me please watch how you handle
Me cuz we cuz we fragile

Bama Boy Menace - Fragile Tekst piosenki

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