Tekst piosenki Catch Me If You Can
I got nothing to offerIn your fashion show
My clothes are basic
Man, I don't know
How to dress and how to smile
[?] life-style
I'm a bit different, well I'm grown
Frowning face, don't fit the throne
But imma do it
Do it, but different
So see you then
But becatch me if you can
Catch me if you can
Catch me if you can
Come on and catch me
Catch me if you can
Come on and catch me
Catch me if you can
I'm a goofy baby, but I'm not crazy
I got problems, but not like Jay-Z
[?] must pretty got too lazy
Moral compass got too hazy
Who's to say? Who's to judge?
Who's to let that element smudge?
It ain't worth to hold a grudge
Against yourself a bit too much
Leave me, leave me, leave me alone
I need to do this on my own
Leave me, leave me, leave me alone
I just need this microphone
But imma do it
Do it, but different
So see you then
But becatch me if you can
Catch me if you can
Catch me if you can
Come on and catch me
Catch me if you can
Come on and catch me
Catch me if you can
But imma do it
Do it, but different
So see you then
But becatch me if you can
Catch me if you can
Catch me if you can
Come on and catch me
Catch me if you can
Come on and catch me
Catch me if you can
Catch me if you can
Catch me if you can
Baby Lasagna - Catch Me If You Can Tekst piosenki
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Catch Me If You Can
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