Tekst piosenki: Live It Up (feat. Roxie & Kristian Kostov) B-OK

B-OK - Live It Up (feat. Roxie & Kristian Kostov)

Tekst piosenki Live It Up (feat. Roxie & Kristian Kostov)

[Roxie Węgiel]
We keep our eyes on the headlights
Got your hand and it feels right
To drive away in a runaway car

[Roxie & Kristian Kostov]
Like a ride on the wild side
You're the fuel when I'm run-down
Don't be scared, you just let them talk

[Roxie & Kristian Kostov]
And we've been in over our heads
With what we got
They say, "Get over yourselves"
But we can't stop

They live a thousand lies
The truth is ours
So baby, they'll never, they'll never know oh oh

[Roxie & Kristian Kostov]
You and I, we were made to
Live it up, live it up
This time we'll never
Give it up, give it up
And I don't know why, but you
Taking me high, it's true
That you and I, we were made to
Live it up, live it up
Live it up, live it up

[Kristian Kostov]
You're lost in the midnight air
So good when you're right here
Don't wanna be anywhere else right now
Wanna ride with you all day
I know it's gonna be OK
When the world gets way too loud

[Roxie & Kristian Kostov]
And we've been in over our heads
With what we got
They say, "Get over yourselves"
But we can't stop
They live a thousand lies
The truth is ours
So baby, they'll never, they'll never know oh oh

[Roxie & Kristian Kostov]
You and I, we were made to
Live it up, live it up
This time we'll never
Give it up, give it up
And I don't know why, but you
Taking me high, it's true
That you and I, we were made to
Live it up, live it up

[Roxie & Kristian Kostov]
Live it up, live it up
(Live it up)
Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah

[Roxie & Kristian Kostov]
You and I, we were made to
Live it up, live it up
(Live it up, live it up)
This time we'll never
Give it up, give it up
And I don't know why, but you
Taking me high, it's true
That you and I, we were made to
Live it up, live it up
Live it up, live it up

B-OK - Live It Up tekst piosenki

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Live It Up

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