Tekst piosenki: Drop Top Ash Island

Tekst piosenki Drop Top

Put the money in the mof**kin droptop
I got lamborghini G even hyundai
매일 밤 손에 들려 있어 Bomb shot
Livin like a mof**kin rockstar

Sorry man, i can’t see u in the backseat
Damn i feel so high man
I can’t see ya
Put the money in the mof**kin droptop (Hey)

G63 amg mercedes
U R U S black lamborghini
5000만 원짜리 Avante i get it
안 해 난, 음주운전 U get it?
Pull up what‘s next (What‘s next)

모형 말마따나
다음 차는 Morning
작업 Till the morning
퇴근 시간 답 없는 서울시
All the way all the way keep it low-key
도로에 더러운 게 있어도 Goin
맞다 나 Droptop은 없어 어쩌지
동갑이형 거 몰래 타, 형 Sorry

Put the money in the mof**kin droptop
I got lamborghini G even hyundai
매일 밤 손에 들려 있어 Bomb shot
Livin like a mof**kin rockstar

Sorry man, i can’t see u in the backseat
Damn i feel so high man
I can’t see ya
Put the money in the mof**kin droptop (Hey)

어딜 가든지 터지네 Flashin lights
Bition boyz 우린 올려놔 Farenheit
My verse sicker than bentley or everything
돈은 아주 작은 부분일 뿐 내 재력엔
Pushin the pedal to the metal 먼저 갈게 Next level
All this sh*t that i'm doin 너의 예상을 넘어 매번
I used to flex my rollie and drop top mercedes
여전히 꿈을 좇는 중 To be the mof**kin greatest
Sky's the limit my life's so convertable
너의 불가능을 이뤄냈지 여러 번
I ain't trendy 나는 뱉고 있지 진리
Luxury flow 내 라이벌은 Richard mille yea

Put the money in the mof**kin droptop
I got lamborghini G even hyundai
매일 밤 손에 들려 있어 Bomb shot
Livin like a mof**kin rockstar

Sorry man, i can’t see u in the backseat
Damn i feel so high man
I can’t see ya
Put the money in the mof**kin droptop (Hey)

Ash Island - Drop Top Tekst piosenki

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Drop Top

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Drop Top

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czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Drop Top tekst piosenki Ash Island


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