Tekst piosenki: Get it Anti Da Menace & Luh Tyler

Anti Da Menace & Luh Tyler - Get it

Tekst piosenki Get it

Drum Dummie, man
Ayo, Keyz, make it [?]

[Chorus: Anti Da Menace]
Put a quarter, put a fifty on my wrist
Man, my life done get too lit, I never thought it'd be like this
Yeah, fast forward, can't see my dashboard
I swear, it came just how it came, I ain't ask for it
Yeah, pedal to the metal, out the ground just like a shovel
Finna buy a Hellcat, I guess I'm drivin' in the devil
Doin' the dash on the E-way, hope the jakes don't get behind us
Skrrt, skrrt, skrrt, my car too fast, they can't find us

[Verse 1: Luh Tyler]

We gon' pull up in a foreign car, and we take off like a rocket (Skrrt, skrrt)
On the grind every day, ain't givin up, we ain't stoppin'
I'm steady comin' up, but these people keep on tryna block me
They like two-twenty on the dash, tell 'em, they can't top me
Pull up, take off in a fast car, they can't catch this
Gotta keep it in the lanes, boy, you can't wreck this (Can't wreck this)
Yeah, I jumped up on the mic, no, I don't regret this
Know my life done really changed, I ain't never felt this (I ain't never felt this)

[Verse 2: Anti Da Menace]
And they about to see my talent
Went to the stars, and I just grabbed it
I was stuck up on that block, felt like my legs started collapsin'
The E-way packed with cars, I found a way, can't follow me through traffic
I can't die young, I feel like Roddy Ricch, I made it happen
Yeah, for sure, this life amazin'
But somebody calm me down, feel like my heart be steady racin'
I can't play no games with nobody, finna have another baby
Yeah, I know I'm just eighteen, but I just put up me a eighty, fact

[Chorus: Anti Da Menace]
Put a quarter, put a fifty on my wrist
Man, my life done get too lit, I never thought it'd be like this
Yeah, fast forward, can't see my dashboard
I swear, it came just how it came, I ain't ask for it
Yeah, pedal to the metal, out the ground just like a shovel
Finna buy a Hellcat, I guess I'm drivin' in the devil
Doin' the dash on the E-way, hope the jakes don't get behind us
Skrrt, skrrt, skrrt, my car too fast, they can't find us

Anti Da Menace & Luh Tyler - Get it tekst piosenki

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Kadr z teledysku Get it tekst piosenki Anti Da Menace & Luh Tyler
Źródło: tekstowo.pl


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