Tekst piosenki: Jerkin' Amyl and The Sniffers

Tekst piosenki Jerkin'

[Verse 1]
You're a dumb cunt
You're an asshole
Every time you talk you mumble, grumble
Need to wipe your mouth after you speak 'cause it's an asshole
Bum hole, dumb cunt
You are ugly all day
I am hot always
You are just a critic
And you want to hit it
You are fucking spiders
I am drinking riders

Don't wanna be stuck in that negativity
Keep jerkin' on your squirter

You will never get with me
I don't wanna be stuck inside that negativity
Keep jerkin' on your squirter
You will never get with me, yeah

Jerkin' on your
Squirter, cunt
Jerkin' on your
Yeah, yeah, go get some

[Verse 2]
Last time I checked
I got success
'Cause the losers are online and they are obsessed, typin'
They be on my pictures having wipin', dick hole
I be on the internet killing it all
They like all my outfits and hate my success
I am the talk, bitch
I am the best yet

Don't wanna be stuck in that negativity
Keep jerkin' on your squirter
You will never get with me
I don't wanna be stuck inside that negativity
Keep jerkin' on your squirter
You will never get with me, yeah

Jerkin' on your
Squirter, cunt
Jerkin' on your
Yeah, yeah, go get some

Smack, smack, smack
Wank, wank, wank

Go get some

Amyl and The Sniffers - Jerkin' Tekst piosenki

Jerkin' w wykonaniu Amyl and The Sniffers - Jerkin' tekstowo Amyl and The Sniffers - Jerkin' o czym jest piosenka Jerkin' Amyl and The Sniffers Jerkin' słowa Amyl and The Sniffers - Jerkin' Text
Amyl and The Sniffers Jerkin' Letra de Jerkin' com Amyl and The Sniffers Amyl and The Sniffers - Jerkin' lyrics Amyl and The Sniffers - Jerkin' Tekst
Album: Cartoon Darkness (2024)

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Kadr z teledysku Jerkin


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