Tekst piosenki: The Bluest Blues Alvin Lee

Tekst piosenki The Bluest Blues

I couldn't wait to see you - waiting by the door
There's no one there to meet me - and your clothes are on the floor
Sorry if I hurt you - and I made you cry
Couldn't stand to see you - with another guy
It's the bluest blues - and it cuts me like a knife
It's the bluest blues - since you walked out of my life

Couldn't really tell you - how you hurt my pride
Something broke within me - down inside
I never knew I loved you - til you went away
Now the loneliness surrounds me - everyday
It's the bluest blues - since you walked out of the door
It's the bluest blues - cause I won't see you no more

I'm sorry if I failed you - if somehow I'm to blame
It's the bluest blues I'm feeling - it's a cryin' shame

I just can't live without you - face another day
It's the bluest blues I'm feeling, and it's here to stay
It's the bluest blues, and it cuts me to the bone
It's the bluest blues, when you can't find your way home

Alvin Lee - The Bluest Blues (Remastered) Tekst piosenki

The Bluest Blues (Remastered) w wykonaniu Alvin Lee - The Bluest Blues tekstowo Alvin Lee - The Bluest Blues (Remastered) o czym jest piosenka The Bluest Blues (Remastered) Alvin Lee The Bluest Blues (Remastered) słowa Alvin Lee - The Bluest Blues Text
Alvin Lee The Bluest Blues Letra de The Bluest Blues com Alvin Lee Alvin Lee - The Bluest Blues lyrics Alvin Lee - The Bluest Blues (Remastered) Tekst
Album: Nineteen Ninety-Four (1993)

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The Bluest Blues

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The Bluest Blues

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takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku The Bluest Blues tekst piosenki Alvin Lee


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