Tekst piosenki: Lifeline Alan Walker feat. LOVA

Alan Walker - Lifeline (feat. LOVA)

Tekst piosenki Lifeline

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Light stain your eyes tonight
Searching for the guide to light
Falling into you
My mind gets dark tonight
Drowning in the alibi
Swimining in the blue

I don't dive into the sea
Cause every time I jump it pulls me deep
I'll tell you that I'm fine, but I've been telling a lie
I was kind of hoping for lifeline
I don't go into the way
Cause everytime they crash I don't feel safe
Yeah, I'm a little scared to put my life on the light
I was kind of hoping for lifeline

I was kind of hoping for lifeline
I was kind of hoping for lifeline

Rain pouring out your name
Can you hear me through the wind and rain
I'm really hoping that you don't

Cause now my heart's not erased, sick of the pace
Thoughts in my head, wish I forget
But I'll bound to you
Can you pull me through

I don't dive into the sea
Cause every time I jump it pulls me deep
I'll tell you that I'm fine, but I've been telling a lie
I was kind of hoping for lifeline
I don't go into the way
Cause everytime they crash I don't feel safe
Yeah, I'm a little scared to put my life on the light
I was kind of hoping for lifeline

I was kind of hoping for lifeline
I was kind of hoping for lifeline

LOVA & Alan Walker - Lifeline tekst piosenki

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