AJ DiSpirito - Bite Me
Tekst piosenki Bite Me
As she waits at dawn, lookin' for a way
To escape her lonely heart
Let them swallow you
I won't fall down, you need me
We don't follow crowds, we mold them new
I'm not done, believe me
We won't settle down, we'll make them move
Make them mine
I won't let them, I repent them, I won't let them (Swallow you)
I won't let them
Swallow you
As it stands, you are no longer my friend
Eat my heart, take my soul
Let it burn you
(I won't let go)
What's on my mind?
Well, I'm the farthest gone, you'll find
You should take a look inside
You should tear apart my mind
Take my mind
I won't fall down, you need me
We don't follow crowds, we mold them new
I'm not done, believe me
We won't settle down, we'll make them move (We'll make them move)
Make them mine
Make them mine
You should let me go
I'm not worth saving
We won't let them know
(We won't let them know)
Let them carry on
Let them swallow you
You won't save me too
(We won't let them swallow you)
Let them swallow you
AJ DiSpirito - Bite Me tekst piosenki
Bite Me AJ DiSpirito - Bite Me tekstowo Bite Me o czym jest piosenka Bite Me AJ DiSpirito - Bite Me Tekst Bite Me AJ DiSpirito Bite Me słowaTeledysk do piosenki
Bite Me
Bite Me Ulubioną piosenką?
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AJ DiSpirito
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Bite Me
*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Bite Metakie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć
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