Aden Foyer - Lips
Tekst piosenki Lips
That's how you know
That April turned July
When you run from me
Shout "Catch me in the rye"
Grass on my toes
A garden full of life
As the flowers bloom
So do you and I
Conversations I love to hold
While we tumble around like we're six years old
Then you smile and say
''Oh, do you feel tired?''
''Come and rest your lips on mine''
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh ooh ooh
"Rest your lips on mine"
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh ooh ooh
"Come and rest your lips on mine"
Sweep me away
Open your eyes (my-oh-my-oh-my)
I'm glad the sun
Your hips on mine (oh-oh-oh)
Conversations I love to hold
While we tumble around like we're six years old
Then you smile and say
"Oh, do you feel tired?"
"Come and rest your lips on mine"
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh ooh ooh (rest your lips on mine)
"Rest your lips on mine"
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh ooh ooh
"Come and rest your lips on mine"
Conversations I love to hold
While we tumble around like we're six years old
Then you smile and say
"Oh, do you feel tired?"
"Come and rest your lips on mine"
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh ooh ooh (rest your lips on mine)
"Rest your lips on mine"
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh ooh ooh
"Rest your lips on mine"
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh ooh ooh (rest your lips on mine)
"Rest your lips on mine"
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh ooh ooh (rest your lips on mine)
"Come and rest your lips on mine"
Aden Foyer - Lips tekst piosenki
Lips Aden Foyer - Lips tekstowo Lips o czym jest piosenka Lips Aden Foyer - Lips Tekst Lips Aden Foyer Lips słowaTeledysk do piosenki
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