Tekst piosenki Some Say
[Intro]Hmm, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
[Verse 1]
I will find the time, we will find the timing
'Cause you are on my mind, I hope that you don't mind it
You know that I want you, you know that I want you next to me
But if you need some space I will step away
And I know it might sound stupid but for me, yeah, yeah
I just gotta keep believing and I've heard
Some say you will love me one day
And I will wait, I will wait to get your loving one day
Just say you will love me one day
And I will wait, I will wait to get your loving one day
[Verse 2]
I promise that I'll try, that I will try to meet someone
And there's so many guys, you told me I deserve someone
I wanna call you up but maybe it will only make it worse
I guess that I just don't know what to do with myself
'Cause I know it might sound stupid but for me, yeah, yeah
I just gotta keep believing and I've heard
Some say you will love me one day
And I will wait, I will wait to get your loving one day
Just say you will love me one day
And I will wait, I will wait to get your loving one day
Oh-oh-oh, oooh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Just say you'll love me one day
Oh-oh-oh, oooh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Just say you'll love me one day
I'll give you space to the moon if it's what you need
Just say you one day will bring back yourself to me
Some say you will love me one day
And I will wait, I will wait to get your loving one day
Just say you will love me one day
And I will wait, I will wait to get your loving one day
Oh-oh-oh, oooh
(Just say you'll love, just say you'll love me one day)
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Just say you'll love me one day
Oh-oh-oh, oooh
(Just say you'll love, just say you'll love me one day)
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Just say you'll love me one day
AALLAR and DeejaVu - Some Say Tekst piosenki
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Album: Some Say - EP (2020)
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