Tekst piosenki I'll Be There
When all the tears are rolling down your faceAnd it feels like yours
Is the only heart to break
When you come back home
And all the lights are out
And you're getting used to no one else being around
Oh, Oh, I'll be there
When you need a little love
I gotta little love to share
Yeah I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna come through
You'll never be alone
I'll be there for you
I'll be there
I'll be there for you
I'll be there
I'll be there for you
Oh, I swear I got enough love for two
Oh, you'll never be alone
I'll be there for you
Oh, when it's Friday night
And the drinks don't work the same
And you're alone with yourself
And there's no one else to blame
When you still can't feel the rythmn of your heart
And you see your spirit fading in the dark
Oh, Oh, I'll be there
When you need a little love
I gotta little love to share
Yeah I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna come through
You'll never be alone
I'll be there for you
I'll be there
I'll be there for you
I'll be there
I'll be there for you
Oh, I swear I got enough love for two
Oh, you'll never be alone
I'll be there for you
AALLAR, DeejaVu and Lynnzee Fraye - I'll Be There Tekst piosenki
I'll Be There w wykonaniu AALLAR, DeejaVu & Lynnzee Fraye - I'll Be There tekstowo Lynnzee Fraye & AALLAR, DeejaVu - I'll Be There o czym jest piosenka I'll Be There AALLAR, DeejaVu & Lynnzee Fraye I'll Be There słowa AALLAR, DeejaVu & Lynnzee Fraye - I'll Be There TextAALLAR, DeejaVu & Lynnzee Fraye I'll Be There Letra de I'll Be There com AALLAR, DeejaVu & Lynnzee Fraye AALLAR, DeejaVu & Lynnzee Fraye - I'll Be There lyrics AALLAR, DeejaVu & Lynnzee Fraye - I'll Be There Tekst
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I'll Be There
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