Tekst piosenki Start The Simulator
Start the simulatorControllers, listen up
What's your status, Guidance?
Let's take it from the top
Coming up on docking
The beginnings of a tear
Clearing the tower
We take to the air
Start the simulator
Give your tanks a stir
The bright ejecta blanket
All is still a blur
Switch to Omni Bravo
B bus under volt
Roll right to zero
Steady as she goes
We're going to fly so high
Into the rendered sky
We're going to be all right
Inside the endless night
Start the simulator
I.S.O. valves are gray
EDS to manual
Translation looks okay
Save it for the splash-down
Things you want undone
You're in command now
Your home away from home
You're in control now
Now you're on your own
A-Ha - Start The Simulator Tekst piosenki
Start The Simulator w wykonaniu A-Ha - Start The Simulator tekstowo A-Ha - Start The Simulator o czym jest piosenka Start The Simulator A-Ha Start The Simulator słowa A-Ha - Start The Simulator TextA-Ha Start The Simulator Letra de Start The Simulator com A-Ha A-Ha - Start The Simulator lyrics A-Ha - Start The Simulator (Stereophonic Mix) Tekst
Album: Foot of the Mountain (2009)
Teledysk do piosenki
Start The Simulator
albo inne teksty piosenek o tytule podobnym do
Start The Simulator
*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Start The Simulatortakie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć