Borknagar - Nordic Anthem tekstowo zapisana

Borknagar - Nordic Anthem

Tekst piosenki Nordic Anthem

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There comes a time when all gods must fall
A time to answer our nation's call
No chains can bind us, shackles can't hold
The Northern spirit cannot be sold

This is our home
Our life is free
From coast to mountain
We will never bend our knee
We bow our heads to nothing but our past
Our breath is cold, we know our history will last.

Northerners won't bow to any god!

The north wind whispers in our ears

Old tales of hardship, of hopes and fears
We fought to forge our own destiny
Now we stand strong for the world to see

This is our home
Our life is free
From coast to mountain
We will never bend our knee
We bow our heads to nothing but our past
Our breath is cold, we know our history will last.

This is the north where spirits run free
From coast to mountain, that is our key
So, raise your head as our anthem rings
This is the north, so our people sings:
“We won't bend our necks to any god!”

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